For maps to churches, go to: www.masstimes.org
NOTE: Please post these events on websites or facebook or include them on printed items for wide distribution and Catholic evangelization. Thanks!
Mar. 6, 2019 ASH WEDNESDAY –RECEIVE JESUS AT HOLY MASS and receive ashes… Remember thou art dust… Ash Wednesday (and Good Friday) are days of Fast and Abstinence. Fasting applies to Catholics from 18 to 59 who must refrain from eating between meals and to limit their eating to one full meal and two lighter meals that do not add up to a full meal. Abstinence or refraining from eating meat applies to Catholics 14 years of age and older. All Fridays of Lent are days of abstinence, except for the sick & infirmed.
Mar. 6 to Apr. 17, 2019 during Lent. (Wednesdays) Lansing Area 40 DAYS FOR LIFETeam will have a PRAYER VIGIL 7am To 5pm Every WED., MAR. 6-APRIL 17 during Lent. Chemical abortions are performed on Wednesdays at Planned Parenthood in Lansing Frandor Shopping Center. Prayer location will be in grassy area on West side of Clippert, N. of Vine St. There will be a ROSARY prayed every hour and led by a For-Life Representative. At 3pm, the DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET with a ROSARY to follow will be led by a priest or deacon. This is a spiritual battle!! Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole Armor of God….Ephesians 6. ASKING for participants to PRAY ONE HOUR EVERY WEDNESDAY DURING LENT. Would your parish be willing to take one hour to pray together? Bring a friend. Also, the Holy Family Chapel, located at the New Life Center at 1601 E Grand River, Lansing will be open at 3PM on Wednesdays to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary. Contact Soraya Nowland text or call 517-755-6909.
Mar. 8-9, 2019 (Fri., 8pm- Sat. 8am) Lansing, MI ALL NIGHT PRAYER VIGIL at Church of the Resurrection, 1505 E. Michigan Ave. Come and spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament and experience the love of Jesus poured out for you. Pray in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist during one of the hours from 8pm Fri., to 8am Sat. (March 8 – 9). The Lord wants to bless us in so many ways. During this time in the life of the Church, please intercede for protection and grace and particularly for a new outpouring of the Holy Spirit on us, our families, our friends, our coworkers and our priests. Please note, we want to make sure that at least two intercessors are present during each hour of the vigil. There are two time slots for each hour. If both slots are filled for your chosen hour, please just come along anyway. ALL WELCOME. Holy Mass on Sat. is at 8:15am. Please sign up at: https://corlansing.org/all-night-prayer-vigil
Mar. 12, 2019 (Tues., 6pm) Lansing, MI SPECIAL STATIONS OF THE CROSS, THEN EUCHARISTIC ADORATION at St. Gerard Church, 4437 W. Willow. Shadow of each station will be presented by students. Then praise and worship music, led by Guine Christian, to accompany Eucharistic adoration and confession. There will be a word from Fr. Vincent before opportunities for confession and personal prayer ministry. Please invite a friend and join them to praise the living God, adore Him, and restore our relationship with Him.
Mar. 16, 2019 (Sat., 7:30-9 pm) Williamston, MI Come to St. Mary Church ALIVE to spend time with our Eucharistic Lord. Adoration, praise and worship songs, prayers, Eucharistic Exposition and Adoration with special blessings of all present with the Holy Eucharist, Confession and prayer teams. (There is NO Alive on Holy Sat., Apr. 20, 2019.) ALL WELCOME. Ph. 517-655-2620. SEE: https://www.saint-mary.church/calendar/?v=7516fd43adaa
Mar. 16, 2019 (Sat., 7 pm) Lansing, MI LUMEN VERITATIS hosts SPEAKER TO BE DETERMINED at Church of the Resurrection (in Church), 1505 E. Michigan. TOPIC: TBD. ALL WELCOME. INFO.: www.lumenlansing.org or Brian Fink at bfink@corlansing.org.
—Apr 27 | Leah Libresco “Building Up the Benedict Option”
—May 18 | Dr. Matthew Ramage “The Intellectual Legacy of Benedict XVI”
March 21, 2019 (Thurs., 7:30pm) Ann Arbor, MI MEDJUGORJE PILGRIMAGE INFORMATIONAL MEETING at St. Thomas the Apostle Parish media center, 530 Elizabeth St. Is Our Lady Calling You? Medjugorje Pilgrimage Oct. 20-31, 2019 with Fr. Bill Ashbaugh (Leaving from Detroit). Registration/INFO.: John Carriere (734) 834-3982, or john.a.carriere@gmail.com. $2,375.00 (dbl. occupancy). Based on current airfares. See page 5 of bulletin. NOTE: Italian cardinal: Medjugorje is becoming one of the most popular sanctuaries in Europe. –Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, President of Episcopal Conference of Bishops of Italy (Feb. 8, 2019).
March 21, 22, 23, 2019 (Thurs.-Sat.) Cross and Light at St. Gerard Church, 4437 W. Willow. This is a musical and multi-sensory video production with live actors leading the presentation of the passion of Christ through Pentecost. After the presentation, the man who plays Jesus talks to the audience in his beautiful and humble way and he encourages them to commit their lives to Christ. Kelly Nieto was given an interior vision and many inspirations to develop this dynamic presentation. She is a former Miss Michigan and Miss America Runner-Up, who experienced a dramatic conversion, becoming a Catholic and rejecting atheism and New Age practices. (See EWTN Journey Home.) Archbishop Vigneron of Detroit endorses this musical, saying: Cross & Light promises to draw countless people closer to Jesus, knowing his love more clearly, understanding His sacrifice more deeply, and becoming more ready to share the Good News of His love with others. You can order tickets in Parish Office Mon. -Thurs., ask for Michelle, 517-323-2379. Performances are: Thurs,, Mar. 21 at 12:30pm* (student/school show), 7pm (reception following), Friday, Mar. 22,12:30pm* (student/school show), 7pm (reception following), Sat., Mar. 23, 1:00pm, 7:00pm (reception following). SEE ALSO: https://crossandlight.com/stgerard/
MAR. 21-23, 2019 (7pm, Thurs.- 9pm, Sat.) Brighton, Mi ENCOUNTER SCHOOL OF PROPHETIC MINISTRY is a 3 day school at St. Patrick Church, 711 Rickett Rd., that provides the foundations for you to be equipped to hear God’s voice more clearly for yourself and the world around you through +training and activation of the prophetic gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life. Based on the curriculum of the Encounter School of Ministry, attendees will experience three powerful days of activation-based learning in a safe and relational environment grounded in teaching faithful to the Church. Our hope is that you would experience a great acceleration in your ministry and walk away with years worth of tools and ideas for equipping in the prophetic gifts and building a prophetic culture in the Church. INFO.: 810-229-9863. Speakers, Schedule, Flyer, Register: HERE.
Mar. 25, 2019 (Mon., 12:05 pm) Lansing, MI CONSECRATION TO JESUS THROUGH MARY according to ST. LOUIS DE MONTFORT, held after the 12:05 Mass at St. Mary Cathedral by FR. DAVID HUDGINS on Feast of the Annunciation. EVERYONE IS INVITED. Please make the 33 day preparation starting Feb. 20, 2019. Info.: Barbara Yaich at yaich.barbara@gmail.com or 517-719-6754
Mar. 27, 2019 (Wed., 7pm to 8:30pm) Lansing, MI EVERY 4TH Wed.: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition at St. Mary Cathedral in MAIN CHURCH, 219 Seymour St. Includes at beginning of Exposition, a 20-30 minute talk on some aspect of Discipleship and then Exposition then Praise and Worship music and prayer. 8:20pm Benediction. ALL WELCOME. ADDITIONAL CONFESSION TIME: Every week onThursdays, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. (during Cathedral choir practice).
Mar. 29, 2019 (Fri.) UNPLANNED -Great pro-life movie to be in theaters focusing on the conversion of Abby Johnson from pro-abortion to pro-life leader. SEE TRAILER FOR UNPLANNED HERE.
Unplanned movie trailer about Abby Johnson’s pro-life conversion hits #1 on iTunes- The preview has also been viewed on Facebook 2.5 million times. SEE: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/unplanned-movie-trailer-about-abby-johnsons-pro-life-conversion-hits-1-on-i …….. Radical abortion laws cause dramatic spike in Americans identifying as pro-life
Unplanned movie gets unexpected R rating- Feb 22, 2019- (CNA) The movie Unplanned, which tells the true story of former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson’s conversion into a pro-life activist, has been given an R rating by the Motion Picture Association of America, a decision the directors fear could have been motivated by the pro-life message of the film. We had hoped that (the rating) would be different…, co-director Chuck Konzelman told CNA…. By giving the film an a R-rating, Konzelman said that he believes the MPAA is inadvertently supporting the belief that anything that has to do with abortion is an act of extreme violence.… Despite the R-rating, “Unplanned”’s directors told CNA that Christians should not worry about seeing the film alongside their children. [In contrast, teens as young as age 13 in most areas can go have an abortion without notifying a parent.] “For us, R means ‘recommend.’ Because the bottom line is that this is real life,” Solomon told CNA. “It’s time for Christians to come to the reality of the fact that (abortion) is going on. If a rating is going to keep them from even looking at this subject, then shame on us,” he added. Konzelman agreed, and told CNA that there is no nudity or profanity in the film that would merit an R-rating. “They’re not even mentioning violence, other than the violence directly associated with the termination of an unborn human being. That’s it. That’s all that’s in there,” said Konzelman. Unplanned is based on Johnson’s 2012 book of the same name. Johnson quit her job at Planned Parenthood in October of 2009, one year after being named employee of the year, after she had been asked to assist with a late-term abortion…. Even if the filmmakers sought to make changes to get a lower rating, it would be quite difficult as “(the MPAA) pretty much objected to everything, including black and white images of a sonogram,” said Konzelman…. After Johnson left her job at Planned Parenthood, she converted to Catholicism. She and her husband are now expecting their 8th child. Unplanned stars Ashley Bratcher as Abby Johnson. During filming, Bratcher discovered that her own mother had planned on having an abortion when she was pregnant with her, but changed her mind minutes before the procedure was to begin. “Unplanned” was written and directed by Konzelman and Solomon, who also wrote God is Not Dead and God is Not Dead 2. The movie was partially funded by Michael Lindell, a born-again Christian and the founder of the company MyPillow. Unplanned is the first-ever R-rated film distributed by PureFlix, and will be released in theaters nationwide on March 29. READ MORE AT: https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/unplanned-gets-unexpected-r-rating-15020
Mar. 29-30, 2019 (3pm Fri.-3pm Sat.) Okemos, MI 24 HOURS FOR THE LORD at St. Martha Church, 1100 W. Grand River. Adoration, Confessions, quiet prayer, graced music, and more. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Apr. 6, 2019 (Sat., 2:30 pm -New Time) Lansing, MI FIRST SATURDAY DEVOTIONS- EVERYONE INVITED to St. Mary Cathedral to pray the Rosary each First Sat., plus reflect on Mysteries of the Rosary for 15 mins. Confession available and Mass at 4 pm fulfills request for Mass and Communion on First Saturdays, according to EWTN. (Go to Eucharistic Chapel.) INFO.: Bettie Dotts: 517-887-2329.
April 5-7, 2019 (Fri. eve – Sun. lunch) Ypsilanti, MI RENEWAL MINISTRIES ANNUAL GATHERING with talks by RALPH MARTIN (Releasing the Spirit: The Sacrifice of Christ and Our Sacrifice), PETER HERBECK (Finding the Strength to Stand in Challenging Times), Special Guest PATTI MANSFIELD, who was present at the original Duquesne Weekend that marked the beginning of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the US: Personal Testimony, Receiving Baptism in the Holy Spirit, and her special relationship with the Blessed Mother in the Holy Spirit. Workshops: LAVINIA SPIRITO and DR. MARY HEALY: Training in the Prophetic and Words of Knowledge;PETER WILLIAMSON: How Do You Grow in Relationship with the Holy Spirit? Daily Living with God in the Power of the Holy Spirit. Location: Marriott Hotel and Conference Center. Theme: The Light Shines in the Darkness. Come for a weekend packed with Holy Mass, praise and worship, fellowship, powerful talks, prayer for healing and empowerment. INFO.: Kathleen Kittle at 734-662-1730, ext 132, or email kkittle@renewalministries.net. SEE: http://www.renewalministries.net/?module=Page&sID=renewal-ministries-gathering
April 13, 2019 (Sat., 7-9pm) Lansing, MI ENOUNTER WITH THE HEALING LORD at Church of the Resurrection, 1505 E. Michigan. Praise and Worship of Jesus with Exposition and Adoration, prayer teams, Confession. Please invite others. HEALINGS ARE OCCURRING. Stay for a few minutes or for a couple hours. God knows what you need and wants you to receive more of His love. Evening concludes with Benediction.
April 16, 2019 – Offer a Mass for POPE EMERITUS BENEDICT XVI who turns 92 on this date.
Apr. 18, 2019– HOLY THURS. -Partake in MEMORIAL OF LAST SUPPER.
—HOLY THURS. -Lansing -CHRISM MASS -St. Mary Cathedral– 10:30am – Most priests of Diocese of Lansing participate.
Apr. 19, 2019– GOOD FRI.– Pray & fast; Attend a Good Friday Liturgy.
–GOOD FRI.– 8 p.m.- Lansing, MI TENEBRAE at St Mary Cathedral, 219 Seymour St.– Wonderful music-reflections on sacrifice of Jesus. Office of matins-lauds sung with candles being lit and extinguished. Great way to end Good Friday. INFO.: 517-484-5331.
–GOOD FRI.– Begin DIVINE MERCY NOVENA (9 days). See: http://divinemercysunday.com/novena.htm
Apr. 20, 2019– Holy SAT. – EASTER VIGIL MASS – Welcome new persons coming into the Catholic Church.
Apr. 21, 2019– EASTER SUNDAY– Rejoice at Holy Mass in the Resurrection of Jesus, Our Lord.
Apr. 24, 2019 (Wed., 7pm to 8:30pm) Lansing, MI EVERY 4TH Wed.: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition at St. Mary Cathedral in MAIN CHURCH, 219 Seymour St. Includes at beginning of Exposition, a 20-30 minute talk on some aspect of Discipleship and then Exposition then Praise and Worship music and prayer. 8:20pm Benediction. ALL WELCOME. ADDITIONAL CONFESSION TIME: Every week onThursdays, from 7:00 to 8:00 p.m. (during Cathedral choir practice).
Apr. 28, 2019– (Sun., 2:30 pm) Lansing, MI DIVINE MERCY CELEBRATION at St. Gerard Church, 4437 W. Willow. Exposition of Blessed Sacrament, Divine Mercy Chaplet- Prayers- Confession. Celebration of Divine Mercy was requested by Jesus through St. Faustina. Many Catholic churches celebrate Divine Mercy this day.
April 28, 2019 (Sun.) – DIVINE MERCY CELEBRATION – Divine Mercy Sunday is unique because Jesus told St. Faustina that the total forgiveness of all sins and punishment is a grace given to anyone who fulfills the requirement for Confession* and Communion on the Feast of Divine Mercy! PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH OTHERS. It is a day that Catholics (and fallen away Catholics) should love to celebrate. Jesus said to St. Faustina: I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners. On that day the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy. (Diary 699) There must also be acts of mercy.… I demand from you deeds of mercy, which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. (742). Divine Mercy Sunday is celebrated in many Catholic churches. *NOTE: You can go to Confession before Divine Mercy Sunday, as long as you do not have un-confessed mortal sin on your soul, then you are able to receive His special graces from Holy Communion & devotion on Divine Mercy Sunday. No where does St. Faustina say Confession has to be on Divine Mercy Sunday. In fact, her Diary entry 1072 says that St. Faustina made her confession for Divine Mercy Sunday on Sat. before the feast. -MARIANS OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. More info.: http://faustina.org/index.html. Full text of the Diary of St. Faustina Kowalska Diary, Divine Mercy in My Soul, is available at: https://archive.org/stream/St.FaustinaKowalskaDiary/divine-mercy-in-my-soul_djvu.txt
June 8, 2019 (Sat., 7-9pm) Lansing, MI ENOUNTER WITH THE HEALING LORD at Church of the Resurrection, 1505 E. Michigan. Praise and Worship of Jesus with Exposition and Adoration, prayer teams, Confession. Please invite others. HEALINGS ARE OCCURRING. Stay for a few minutes or for a couple hours. God knows what you need and wants you to receive more of His love. Evening concludes with Benediction.
Oct. 20-31, 2019 (12 days, Sun.-Thurs.) Medjugorje Pilgrimage with Fr. Bill Ashbaugh (Leaving from Detroit). Is Our Lady Calling You? Registration/INFO.: John Carriere (734) 834-3982, or john.a.carriere@gmail.com. $2,375.00 (dbl. occupancy). Based on current airfares. See page 5 of bulletin. NOTE: Italian cardinal: Medjugorje is becoming one of the most popular sanctuaries in Europe. –Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, President of Episcopal Conference of Bishops of Italy (Feb. 8, 2019).
NEXT WORLD YOUTH DAY: Lisbon, Portugal in 2022. Pope Francis said: Our Lady of Fatima awaits you. (Lisbon 80 miles south of Fatima. ABOUT WORLD YOUTH DAYS: After two successful international gatherings with young people in Rome in 1984 and 1985, St. John Paul II instituted the annual observance of World Youth Day in December 1985 as an annual gathering of youth and young adults for prayer, worship, and celebration of the Catholic faith. Every two or three years, an international gathering is held to bring all the youth and young adults together in one place with the Holy Father.
THE MARTYRS HEAL PEOPLE: Extraordinary miracles attributed to 21 beheaded Coptic Christians…
TO YOUNG WOMEN: If you are looking for a holy place to live with other faithful Catholic women, see: HERE and HERE.
Pilgrimages organized by Michael Semaan of the Detroit area: Here are some wonderful, pilgrimage opportunities to foster your prayer life and keep your mind focused on God, rather than the problems in the Church and world. Marlene Galus of Lansing has participated in some of these pilgrimages in the past and she highly recommends them, as she says: They are amazing catechesis and spiritual, and prayerful opportunities. Pray & Enjoy…
*March 28-29 (2 days, 1 night): Cleveland Churches– Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist, Immaculate Conception, St. Vitus Slovenian, St. Elizabeth of Hungary, St. Stanislaus, Our Lady of Peace, St. John Cantius, St. Casimir, St. Stephen, St. Colman, St. Patrick, St. Michael the Archangel, & St. Paul Shrine – $210 (single); $180 (double); $170 (triple); $160 (quad)
*April 26: Easter Friday Detroit Churches – Immaculate Conception Ukrainian, St. Florian, Ste. Anne de Detroit, St. Hedwig, St. Francis, Most Holy Redeemer, & St. Joseph Oratory with concluding 7 PM Holy Mass – $50 (includes donations to visiting churches)
*May 31: Michigan Rural Churches– Holy Cross in Marine City; St. Edward on the Lake in Lakeport; Immaculate Conception in Lapeer- $75
*June 24: Basilica of St. John the Baptist; Rhoda Wise House & Grotto in Canton, Ohio– St. John the Baptist Patronal Feast Day Visit with Holy Mass; Rhoda Wise, stigmata mystic & mentor of Mother Angelica, cause for sainthood was introduced in Rome– $80
*July 8-12 (5 days, 4 nights): Pittsburgh, Washington, D.C., Maryland Basilicas, Cathedrals, National Shrines, Churches, & Museums– Pittsburgh’s St. Anthony Chapel of Relics; Washington D.C.’s Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Franciscan Monastery, St. John Paul II National Shrine, Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, Museum of the Bible (separate admission fee), National Mall Museums (during free time, admission free);Maryland’s Basilica National Shrine of the Assumption of Mary, Cathedral Basilica of Mary Queen of Apostles, St. Alphonsus Church, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton National Shrine- $695 (single); $495(double); $430 (triple); $395 (quad)
*August 5-9 (5 days, 4 nights): Mother Angelica’s Shrine & EWTN Headquarters, Ave Maria Grotto in Alabama; Fathers of Mercy Chapel Headquarters, Other Churches, Ark Encounter & Creation Museum in Kentucky – Alabama’s Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament (with grand tour, ample individual prayer time), EWTN Chapel & Studios (with grand tour conducted by a Franciscan Friar, Chapel Vespers & Benediction, seating for EWTN Wednesday Live TV Show), St. Bernard Abbey (with garden setting of Brother Joseph’s 125 miniature reproductions of world famous religious structures in Ave Maria Grotto); Kentucky’s Chapel of Divine Mercy (Fathers of Mercy Religious Headquarters), Cathedral Basilica of the Assumption, Church of the Assumption of Mary Mother of God, Ark Encounter & Creation Museum (separate admission fee) – $595(single); $445 (double); $395 (triple); $370 (quad)
*September 22: 14th Annual St. Joseph Oktoberfest: Hosted by St. Joseph Oratory near Detroit’s Eastern Market and now firmly established as one of the premier indoor & outdoor German Oktoberfest Celebrations in the region. Includes attendance at Parish Sunday 10:30 AM Music Prelude & 11 AM Latin Mass with Orchestra, Choir, & Chant Schola– $30
*October 7-11 (5 days, 4 nights): Upper Michigan Churches and Shrines in the Footsteps of Venerable Bishop Baraga, & Other Scenic Wonders– Gaylord’s St. Mary’s Cathedral; Mio’s Our Lady of the Woods Shrine; Indian River’s Cross In The Woods Shrine; St. Ignace’s St. Ignatius of Loyola Church; Sault Ste. Marie’s Holy Name of Mary Pro-Cathedral, Bishop Baraga House, Soo Locks; Sugar Island’s Holy Angels Church (by ferry boat); Iron Mountain’s Carmelite Monastery of the Holy Cross; Marquette’s St. Peter Cathedral, Bishop Baraga Relics Display, Bishop Baraga House; L’Anse’s Bishop Baraga Shrine; Lake Linden’s St. Joseph Church; Calumet’s St. Paul the Apostle Church; Mohawk’s Holy Redeemer Church; Eagle Harbor’s Transfiguration Skete Ukrainian Monastery; Copper Harbor Scenic Brockway Mountain Drive to Fort Wilkins State Park- $520 (single); $360 (double); $310 (triple); $280 (quad)
Daily Holy Mass provided during each & every Pilgrimage. Prices are per person & include Deluxe Motorcoach Transportation & Lodging at excellent quality & established chain hotel, Michigan Departures & Returns from Ss. Cyril & Methodius Activities Center in Sterling Heights (3777 18 Mile; near flagpoles) and Our Lady of Good Counsel Church in Plymouth(47650 N Territorial Rd; west end near field). Total Cost per person (Lodging & Transportation): For Reservations, contact Michael Semaan at (248)250-6005, michaelpsemaan@gmail.comor see www.prayerpilgrimages.com.
Catholic reproductive health care provides real solutions while fully respecting life: The Saint Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction was founded in 1985 to answer the call for reproductive health care that fully respects life. The challenges in Pope Paul VI’s 1968 letter Humanae Vitae prompted Thomas W. Hilgers, MD, to begin scientific research in the applications of natural fertility regulation and to open the Saint Paul VI Institute in order to build a culture of life in women’s health care throughout the world. The Institute has developed a new approach to women’s health care that embodies the best principles of medicine and offers superior treatments to women and challenges mainstream medicine, which relies on contraception, in vitro fertilization, and abortion….
Oral contraceptives, which are potentially abortifacient, provide only symptomatic treatment when prescribed for women’s health problems, and they do not affect the underlying causes. The birth control pill is used to treat menstrual cramps, ovarian cysts, abnormal bleeding, premenstrual syndrome, acne, irregular cycles, and endometriosis. Abortion is used to “treat” high-risk pregnancies. In vitro fertilization is used to “treat” infertility and miscarriages. These unreal solutions to real problems are all abortive approaches. Learn more at: creightonmodel.com.
NaProTechnology — Natural Procreative Technology. A women’s health science that uses the Creighton Model System to help a woman reach her optimal state of reproductive health. Its medical and surgical approaches, developed over decades of research and now emerging in peer-reviewed medical literature achieve real solutions to problems such as infertility, problem periods, pelvic pain, miscarriage, and postpartum depression. You can learn more about NaProTechnology at naprotechnology.com.
NOTE: The Saint Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction is committed to building a culture of life in women’s reproductive healthcare…. READ MORE AT: http://www.popepaulvi.com/about.php
NaProTECHNOLOGY — A Major Breakthrough:
- National Center for Women’s Health
- Infertility
- Male Infertility
- Recurrent Spontaneous Abortion(Miscarriage)
- Premenstrual Syndrome
- Postpartum Depression
- Dating Beginning of Pregnancy
- Progesterone Support
- Prevention of Preterm Birth
- Surgical NaProTechnology
- NaProTechnology Textbook
- Women Healed
- Links READ MORE AT: https://www.naprotechnology.com/
Evangelization is Necessary for Salvation: The disciple of Christ must not only keep the faith and live on it, but also profess it, confidently bear witness to it, and spread it… Service of and witness to the faith are necessary for salvation… (1816) …The Christian is not to “be ashamed then of testifying to our Lord.” In situations that require witness to the faith, the Christian must profess it without equivocation, after the example of St. Paul before his judges… (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2471)
Alpena Baraga Broadcas/ng WGZR 88.9 FM
Battle Creek Holy Family Radio WSPB 89.7 FM
Gaylord Baraga Broadcas/ng 92.1 FM
Grand Rapids Holy Family Radio WVHF 1140 AM
Charlevoix Baraga Broadcas/ng WTCK 90.9 FM
JACKSON Good Shepherd C.R. WJKN 1510 AM, 93.3 FM
Kalamazoo Holy Family Radio WVAV 91.5 FM
LANSING Good Shepherd C.R. TBD
Saginaw Valley Ave Maria Radio WMAX 1440 AM
St. Ignace Baraga Broadcas/ng WIDG 940 AM
Tawas Baraga Broadcas/ng WGJU 91.3 FM
Traverse City Baraga Broadcas/ng WTCY 88.3 FM
LISTEN TO 1510 AM and 93.3 FM AND SUPPORT GOOD SHEPHERD CATHOLIC RADIO SERVING Jackson-Lansing, and worldwide on the web. HELP SPREAD THE WORD – Good Shepherd Catholic Radio broadcasts the Sunday Outreach Mass, at 12 noon and again at 7 PM. They also broadcast Catholic news of local, national, and international significance, and assist Diocese of Lansing, parish schools, and Catholic organizations. Prayers and donations needed. Listen live on the radio or on their website 24 hours a day -GO TO: www.gscr.org –Please feel free to provide your feedback, email info@gscr.org or phone 517 513 3340.
JOIN STEVE AND JANET RAY: Amazing Pilgrimages in 2019+! Great experience, most experienced, dynamic, very prayerful. JOIN THEM ON AN AUTHENTICALLY CATHOLIC PILGRIMAGE. WATCH THEIR 1-MINUTE VIDEO. From Poland to the Holy Land, There’s a Perfect Pilgrimage for Everyone. SEE: http://www.footprintsofgodpilgrimages.com/pilgrimage/. STEVE RAY- SCHEDULE: http://www.catholic-convert.com/events/steves-scheduled-events/
PRAY DIVINE MERCY CHAPLET AT 3 PM, MON. THRU FRI.: Come to New Life Center, 1601 E. Grand River, Lansing, (West of Groesbeck Golf Course). Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world…. Meet in chapel. INFO.: 517-974-4173 (Sandi).
ANOTHER GROUP PRAYING DIVINE MERCY FOR THE DYING: A second group of volunteers from around Lansing also pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, for those who are near death, are dying, or after the death has occurred. They will pray the Chaplet for any family member or friend (Catholic or non-Catholic) at the appropriate time. Text or call (leave message) at: 517-896-1480 (anytime 24/7/365). Just say or text: Chaplet needed or Prayers requested. Or you can leave a first name of the person to be prayed for just say special intention. The Chaplet will be said as soon as possible for that person. If you wish to join the group, call number above.
–EVERY FRI.: 12:30 to 6:00pm- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition at St. Mary Cathedral, Lansing, 5:45pm Prayers & Benediction.
–EVERY FRI.: 9am to 3:30pm- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition at St. Thomas Aquinas, E.Lansing.
–EVERY MON. & WED.: 4pm to 5pm- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition at St. John, E.Lansing.
–EVERY TUES.: 6pm to 8pm- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition, 6 pm Rosary, 7pm Confession, 7:55pm Benediction at St. Gerard Church, Lansing.
–EVERY TUES.: 7pm to 8pm- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition atResurrection Church, Lansing, after 6:30pm Mass.
–EVERY WED.: 5:30pm-Rosary at St. Martha, 6pm Mass, 6:30-7:30pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION,6:46 Confession, 7:25 Benediction.
–EVERY 4TH WED.: 7pm to 8:30pm- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition, Praise and Worship songs, 8:20pm Benediction at St. Mary Cathedral in the MAIN CHURCH, 219 Seymour St., Downtown Lansing.
–EVERY FRI.: 9am-8pm- EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & exposition at Resurrection Church, Lansing. Confessions 7pm, Benediction 7:50.
–EVERY FRI.: 8:30am-10:00pm EUCHARISTIC ADORATION with exposition at St. Mary Church, 157 High St., Williamston.
–EVERY DAY – EUCHARISTIC ADORATION WITH EXPOSITION 24 HRS/DAY at HOLY SPIRIT ORATORY on grounds of IHM CHURCH, 3815 S. Cedar. All welcome. Door is locked but visitors can enter with help of IHM office from 8am-5pm. Adorers pray 24 hours/day and can enter with door code. Sign up for hour slot. Info.: Jack (517) 668-8113. Jesus is actively and dynamically present in Eucharistic Adoration just as He is actively and dynamically present in His Glorified Body and Blood at Mass. He is the exact same Jesus and is alive and wants to live in you and have a personal relationship with you at every moment. SEE: http://www.ihmparishlansing.org/adoration-chapel
–FIRST WED. OF EVERY MONTH: (6:30-7:30 am) Lansing, MI DEVOTIONS TO ST. JOSEPH at Church of the Resurrection, 1505 E. Michigan, based on a message from St. Joseph to Sister Mildred (Mary Ephrem) Neuzil, DIARY OF OUR LADY OF AMERICA, Fostoria, OH. 6:30 Rosary, Prayers and 7 am Mass. Held every first Wed., same time and place. ALL ARE WELCOME.
Be not afraid: In a dream, the Angel said to St. Joseph: Do not be afraid of Mary(Mt. 1:14). Our Mother in Heaven knows what we are going through. We MUST respond by continuing daily prayer: Mass, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, & by imitating Jesus and Mary.
Medjugorje Update- Italian cardinal: Medjugorje is becoming one of the most popular sanctuaries in Europe. Cardinal Bassetti talks about Medjugorje-Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, President of the Episcopal Conference of Bishops of Italy, said on Feb. 8, 2019: Medjugorje is becoming one of the most popular sanctuaries in Europe. People return refreshed in faith. One thing is the sanctuary, where the liturgy takes place according to all the rules of the Church and the pilgrims pray, worship Jesus Eucharist and confess. Another thing is the charismatic aspects, on which the Church will have to pronounce.
Setting the Record Straight on Ongoing Apparitions at Medjugorje …Majority of Ruini Experts Viewed Ongoing Apparitions Positively -Dec. 14, 2017- READ MORE AT: https://mysticpost.com/2017/12/setting-record-straight-ongoing-apparitions-medjugorje-majority-ruini-experts-viewed-ongoing-apparitions-positively/ ++++ Medjugorje: It is one of the most alive places of prayer and conversion in Europe – and has a healthy spirituality. -Archbishop Hoser Papal Envoy to Medjugorje. Why Has the Blessed Mother Appeared in Medjugorje? …this movement will not stop and should not be stopped, because of the good fruit that grows out of it.
CURRENT POSITION OF VATICAN ON MEDJUGORJE- Archbishop Henryk Hoser, Papal Visitor assigned to oversee pastoral care of pilgrims in Medjugorje on the Vatican’s official pastoral position on Medjugorje said on July 25, 2018: We have a great responsibility towards the whole world, because truly Medjugorje has become a place of prayer and conversion for the whole world. Accordingly, the Holy Father is concerned and sends me here to help the Franciscan priests to organize and to acknowledge this place as a source of grace for the whole world. —Feast of St. James, July 25th, 2018; MaryTV.tv
JIM CAVIELZEL: In March 2018 at Franciscan University for EWTN said: Without Medjugorje, there would be no movie: Passion of the Christ. SEE: https://mysticpost.com/2018/03/jim-cavielzel-in-recent-appearance-at-franciscan-university-for-ewtn-says-without-medjugorje-there-would-be-no-movie-passion-of-the-christ/
Latin Masses in Lansing (EXTRAORDINARY FORM OF LATIN RITE) held Sundays 10 am, and Tuesdays 6:30 pm and Wednesdays at 8:00 am in Crypt of St. Mary Cathedral, 219 Seymour. FULL MASS TIMES FOR 2019. St. John XXIII Community, 219 Seymour, Lansing, 48933. Fr. Jeffrey Robideau, pastor & hermit. Website and contact info.: http://www.getholy.com/
TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS (TLM) at Old St. Patrick’s Church, 5671 Whitmore Lake Rd., Ann Arbor, MI is prayed every second Sunday of each month at 12:30 pm. INFO.: https://stpatricka2.org/
Prepared and distributed by Marian Peace Center of Lansing
P.O. Box 10098, Lansing, MI 48901, Following Jesus Christ, Honoring His Mother, Mary
John Beutler -Website: Catholics Love Jesus – See: http://www.catholicslovejesus.com/ –See sample articles:
Jesus is Unique and Original in at least 25 Ways,
The Bible Elevates Mary,
Jesus Multiplied Loaves and Fish: Teaching the Truth
NOTE: Catholics everywhere are allowed to explore private revelation. The Marian Peace Center of Lansing is faithful to Church teaching regarding private revelations. We do not take apparitions for granted and are obedient to the Catholic Church represented by the Pope and Magisterium united with him. We explore private revelations that help us live the Catholic Faith (CCC, 67). We Listen to St. Paul: Do not despise prophesy. Test all things. Hold fast to what is good (1 Thes 5:21-22). We await the Catholic Church’s official pronouncements to which we humbly submit.
From a Video by Catholics Come Home: Over the years, we begin to realize how quickly life goes by. For some of us, our journey will end without notice. And when our transition into eternity begins, there won’t be a chance for any do-overs… No time to rewind our life, no chance to choose a different ending…. Thankfully, you still can ask God to help edit your life’s story, and create the ideal ending. No matter what you’ve done, there is good news, since Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save it. Jesus can heal your memories and forgive your past, if you accept His mercy. You really can be freed from the addiction of sin and find lasting peace. Let us pray.
Remember: Souls, souls, souls for Jesus.
Jesus taught for only 3 years, Socrates taught for 40 years, Plato for 50, Aristotle for 40, and yet the influence of Jesus’s three year ministry infinitely transcends the impact left by the combined 130 years of teaching from these other men who were among the greatest philosophers of all antiquity.
In Heaven, your faith and hope will see their fulfillment. But, LOVE NEVER ENDS!
Anti-God lies must be addressed quickly and constantly:
Successive PEW surveys have shown that religion is on a steep decline. Our youth is particularly hard hit. In 2016, those aged 18 – 29 selected “none” as their religious affiliation 39{693962bc1398bb3b4f90d26fc6a0ca1f0c8d5993573ad5704a7cd4e590133631} of the time (hence the nickname “nones”). This is up from 23{693962bc1398bb3b4f90d26fc6a0ca1f0c8d5993573ad5704a7cd4e590133631} in 2006. This will grow to 50{693962bc1398bb3b4f90d26fc6a0ca1f0c8d5993573ad5704a7cd4e590133631} in 5 years if left unabated. This mass exodus is being driven by secular myths that misstate the facts.
Briefly stated, the four primary myths that need to be addressed are:
1) Science has proven God does not exist
2) Suffering proves God does not exist. If God was all loving and all powerful he would and could stop suffering.
3) Humans are just like other animals– a bunch of conglomerated atoms and molecules– No proof of any transcendent soul within us.
4) There is no proof Jesus was special and certainly not divine- No real proof of His existence or resurrection– just myths.
These lies have been ignored for far too long. We cannot continue to teach the fundamental tenets of our faith and deny the devastation within our Church. We must do something and quickly.
Credible Catholic seeks to completely discredit the secular myths that are promoted in the secular culture, especially on many college campuses. Credible Catholic offers FREE on-line teaching products based on content from Father Robert J. Spitzer, S.J., Ph.D., who is featured weekly on the EWTN show, Father Spitzers Universe.
There are 7 Modules that Fr. Spitzer wants many Catholics to learn and teach others, include: Evidence of a soul from medical studies, Evidence of God from science and philosophy, Proof of the Resurrection, Why be Catholic, Where to find True Happiness, and why God allows suffering in the world. Student Workbook covering all of these modules is available HERE (FULL COLOR – 100 pages).
1- Evidence of a Soul from Medical Studies
2- Evidence of God’s Existence from Science
3- Proof of God’s Existence from Philosophy
4- Proof of Jesus’ Resurrection and Divinity
7- Why would an all-loving God allow Suffering?
READ MORE AT: https://www.crediblecatholic.com/programs/
NEW FROM QUEEN OF PEACE PRODUCTIONS & STELLA MAR FILMS: Where There Is Darkness! Miracles and Secrets from New Film. A producer of films about Medjugorje, Sean Bloomfield of Stella Mar Films, is producing a new film about a priest from Florida who was a pilgrim to Medjugorje, but also served the poor in his home town and was killed by a man he was helping. This new film, Where There Is Darkness (Let me bring Your Light), uncovers an unimaginable secret that would challenge our idealistic notions of mercy. Bloomfield and his team think that their film might lead to Fr. Rene being officially recognized as a saint one day… Shortly after his passing, a baby born deaf and blind was fully healed after prayers to Fr. Rene! That story and many others will be featured in the movie. Be inspired…. In this fun, heatfelt online video, filmmakers Sean Bloomfield and Cimela Kidonakis reveal the secrets and miracles behind one of their new films. Watch the preview for this new film at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=64&v=8awkFzOg6Co
SEE: https://www.markmallett.com/blog/2017/11/03/the-truth-of-medjugorje-you-may-not-know/
PRO-LIFE LEADERS CONVERT TO CATHOLICISM -Apr. 14, 2018- David Bereit, founder of the amazingly successful prayer-based pro-life organization 40 Days for Life, just entered the Catholic Church this Easter, 2018.
—Lila Rose was raised in a devout evangelical protestant family. She founded the pro-life organization Live Action in 2003 when she was just 15 years old. By 2009, she joined the Catholic Church.
–Bryan Kemper was baptized Catholic but his family didn’t practice the faith. As an adult, he was a member of the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. In 2003, he founded a youth-oriented arm of Priests for Life called Stand True, and in 2011 he came back to the Catholic Church.
–Abby Johnson was an Episcopalian Christian who ran a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. After personally witnessing an abortion in 2009, she changed her mind on abortion and became pro-life (which she recounts in her book Unplanned). In 2012, she joined the Catholic Church.
–Dr. Bernard Nathanson founded NARAL and helped lead the push for legalized abortion in the late 1960s and early 1970s in the United States. He ran one of the largest abortion clinics in the world and personally performed thousands of abortions. But due to the advent of ultrasound technology, he changed his mind on abortion and joined the pro-life movement just a few years after Roe v. Wade, the infamous 1973 U.S. Supreme Court Decision that erroneously ruled that abortion was protected by the Constitution. In 1996, he was baptized Catholic by Cardinal John O’Connor himself in New York City’s St. Patrick Cathedral.
—Norma McCorvey had her crisis pregnancy situation exploited by pro-abortion activists and was thrust into American politics as “Jane Roe” in Roe v. Wade. In the 1980s, she revealed her identity and was hailed as a hero of the pro-choice movement. In the mid-1990s, she changed her and was baptized a protestant Christian in 1995. Now active in the pro-life movement, she converted to Catholicism in 1998. And there are certainly more examples.
The Catholic Church has been against abortion for two thousand years…. READ MORE AT:
SEEKING TRUTH CATHOLIC BIBLE STUDY- Featured in Jan. 2018 on Renewal Ministry: The Choices We Face. A mission of Seeking Truth is to build parish life through the common study of God’s Word. To encourage parishes to begin a bible study, Seeking Truth offers its curriculum free of charge for parishes hosting a class, using the rich-media presentations of the lectures given by Sharon Doran. Sharon is an experienced Bible teacher with master’s degrees in both Education and Pastoral Theology with an emphasis in Sacred Scripture. Sharon is a cradle Catholic and has a deep love for the Church and Magisterium. Her Archbishop George J. Lucas fully endorses the Seeking Truth program. Seeking Truth will send you, free of charge, a flash drive that contains all the class lectures, as well as a PDF file that contains a lecture synopsis and series of questions for each class session. Alternatively, you may choose to purchase the “Come and See” Catholic Bible Study Series, which also corresponds directly with lectures. Current parish programs available: Synoptic Gospels, Gospel of John, Hebrews, Exodus, Ezekiel, Acts and Pauline Letters, Revelation… If you are interested in starting a Seeking Truth class in your parish, you will need the permission of your pastor or Director of Religious Education. You will also need a computer and projector to display the lectures (sorry, no DVD’s available). Please fill out the registration form to receive your free Seeking Truth lecture series, lesson summary and discussion questions. SEE: http://seekingtruth.net/ -INDIVIDUAL ON-LINE BIBLE STUDIES: On-Line Learning registration fee for an individual is $20/lecture series. This fee gives you unlimited access to the particular archived lecture series for which you register. You can register and sign up on our website to get access to all the lecture videos.
Why Has the Blessed Mother Appeared in Medjugorje? …this movement will not stop and should not be stopped, because of the good fruit that grows out of it.
++++ CURRENT POSITION OF VATICAN ON MEDJUGORJE- Archbishop Henryk Hoser, Papal Visitor assigned to oversee pastoral care of pilgrims in Medjugorje on the Vatican’s official pastoral position on Medjugorje said on July 25, 2018: We have a great responsibility towards the whole world, because truly Medjugorje has become a place of prayer and conversion for the whole world. Accordingly, the Holy Father is concerned and sends me here to help the Franciscan priests to organize and to acknowledge this place as a source of grace for the whole world. —Feast of St. James, July 25th, 2018; MaryTV.tv
JIM CAVIELZEL: In March 2018 at Franciscan University for EWTN said: Without Medjugorje, there would be no movie: Passion of the Christ. SEE: https://mysticpost.com/2018/03/jim-cavielzel-in-recent-appearance-at-franciscan-university-for-ewtn-says-without-medjugorje-there-would-be-no-movie-passion-of-the-christ/++++
Marian Helper Magazine (Winter 2017-2018) from the Fathers of Divine Mercy is on-line at: http://www.marian.org/imh/issue/Winter_2017-2018/ or see http://www.marian.org/marianhelper/
3 Gifts for you, to help you and others SEE Medjugorje, we’re excited to give you three free gifts…
1. The first 10 minutes of Apparition Hill – FREE
2. Our entire 2-hour documentary The Triumph – FREE
3. Bonus scene: Fr. Leon from Apparition Hill – FREE
Queen of Peace Productions is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading the messages of Our Lady and knowledge about Medjugorje, especially to “those yet to know God’s love.” We rely on your support to continue our mission and increase our reach in the world. To help us share what we believe is the most important miracle in modern times, please consider making a tax-free donation to: Queen of Peace Productions, 317 Riveredge Blvd, Ste 102, Cocoa, FL 32922.
The Triumph, a Medjugorje documentary -Free Now on Youtube- Follow a young man’s journey to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, where the Virgin Mary has reportedly been appearing since 1981, giving messages and prophecies about the world’s future. THE TRIUMPH is now being released online in hopes that the entire world can experience the miracles of Medjugorje firsthand. Please share, and follow the story in APPARITION HILL, the next film by director Sean Bloomfield. Learn more at: www.ApparitionHill.org. From Tima Borges, Catholic writer, speaker: The Triumph is a documentary about the apparitions of Mother Mary in Medjugorje. I have never been to Medjugorje and while I was curious to watch the movie, I went today because I was invited to write a review. Having little knowledge of the apparitions in Medjugorje did not affect my ability to enjoy this film. I will try not to spoil the movie in this review because I truly believe everyone should see this film…. SEE THE TRIUMPH AT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9dQYRQXbXc&mc_cid=18e9a1f972&mc_eid=2cfad3f5b6
Here is one of the best articles about the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY in a secular publication: FROM THE NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC, DEC. 2015 ISSUE: How the Virgin Mary Became the World’s Most Powerful Woman- Mary barely speaks in the New Testament, but her image and legacy are found and celebrated around the world. By Maureen Orth, photographs by Diana Markosian. READ MORE AT: http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/2015/12/virgin-mary-text
The Pharisee took up his position and spoke this prayer to himself, O God, I thank you that I am not like the rest of humanity—greedy, dishonest, adulterous—or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week, and I pay tithes on my whole income. But the tax collector stood off at a distance and would not even raise his eyes to heaven but beat his breast and prayed, O God, be merciful to me a sinner. I tell you, the latter went home justified, not the former; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and the one who humbles himself will be exalted (Lk. 18:11-14).
HEAVENLY GRACE PRAYER MEETINGS: You can listen to some of the annual messages (and others) from Jesus or the Blessed Virgin Mary through Carolyn at: www.heavenlygrace.org/. Also, background statements from priests and most earlier messages are available on the website and in 3 free books; Call 517-675-7922.
REVIEW BY GREG KOUKL: I saw The Case for Christ last weekend with my wife and girls, and I have to say, they did it right….Believe me, I never use any of those accolades lightly, especially when it comes to faith films. I’m usually pretty happy if no damage has been done. The Case for Christ goes far beyond that. It’s simply the best film of this kind I have ever seen.
SOURCE: https://www.str.org/blog/case-christ-movie#.WPjy-_nyvtQ
John Beutler – Website: Catholics Love Jesus – See: http://www.catholicslovejesus.com/
CONTENTS OF THIS WEBSITE: (Click on topic to go to each page)
–Home – Warm Greetings…
–About Us – Contact Us
–Absolute Truth Exists
–Be a Light – You are Unique
–Bible elevates Mary
–Call No Man Father?
–Carrying your cross
–Catholic Mass is unique
–Catholic Teaching Aids – How to use these tools
–Catholicism: Fullness of the Faith
–Coming Holy Events and Misc.
–Give Glory to God for His Handiworks!
–God Can Make Us Perfect Instantly, But…
–Intimate Prayer to Mary
–Jesus is unique and original
–Jesus Loves You More Than You Can Imagine
–Jesus Multiplied Loaves and Fish: Teaching the Truth
–Jesus Multiplied the Loaves and Fish – FLYER
–Life is so short
–Mary was NOT an unwed mother
–Mary: New Ark of the Covenant
–Miracles prove credibility of Christianity
–Passing Through Purgatory…
–Personal relationship with Jesus?
–Popes from St. Peter to Today
–Rosary: Powerful prayer for all
–Saints and Bishops over 2000 years
–Saints are alive and can hear us
–Temptations, How to Overcome
–To All the Precious Priests
–Traditions that most Christians follow
–Welcome-Contents of this website
NOTE: Catholics everywhere are allowed to explore private revelation. The Marian Peace Center of Lansing is faithful to Church teaching regarding private revelations. We do not take apparitions for granted and are obedient to the Catholic Church represented by the Pope and Magisterium united with him. We explore private revelations that help us live the Catholic Faith (CCC, 67). We Listen to St. Paul: Do not despise prophesy. Test all things. Hold fast to what is good (1 Thes 5:21-22). We await the Catholic Church’s official pronouncements to which we humbly submit.
From a Video by Catholics Come Home: Over the years, we begin to realize how quickly life goes by. For some of us, our journey will end without notice. And when our transition into eternity begins, there won’t be a chance for any do-overs… No time to rewind our life, no chance to choose a different ending…. Thankfully, you still can ask God to help edit your life’s story, and create the ideal ending. No matter what you’ve done, there is good news, since Jesus came not to condemn the world, but to save it. Jesus can heal your memories and forgive your past, if you accept His mercy. You really can be freed from the addiction of sin and find lasting peace. Let us pray…